This study was undertaken to investigate whether power frequency magnetic fields can affect the kinetics of cell cycle progression in exposed human cells. To achieve this, cultures of normal human fibroblasts were synchronised in the G(0) phase of the cell cycle and exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields at a range of flux densities. Progression through the cycle was monitored by examining the timing of entry into S phase, as characterised by the onset of DNA synthesis. Simultaneous positive controls were exposed to human recombinant fibroblast growth factor to demonstrate that the system was responsive to external stimuli. Exposure to magnetic fields at 20 and 200 microT induced a small but significant increase in the length of the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. However, exposure at higher flux densities of 2 and 20 mT had no significant effect. These results are discussed in relation to weak magnetic field effects on free radical concentration.
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