We explore the ground states of strongly interacting bosons in the vanishingly small and weak lattices using the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree method for bosons (MCTDHB) which calculate numerically exact many-body wave function. Two new many-body phases: fragmented or quasi superfluid (QSF) and incomplete fragmented Mott or quasi Mott insulator (QMI) are emerged due to the strong interplay between short-range contact interaction and lattice depth. Fragmentation is utilized as a figure of merit to distinguish these two new phases. We utilize the eigenvalues of the reduced one-body density matrix and define an order parameter that characterizes the pathway from a very weak lattice to a deep lattice. We provide a detailed investigation through the measures of one- and two-body correlations and information entropy. We find that the structures in one- and two-body coherence are good markers to understand the gradual built-up of intra-well correlation and decay of inter-well correlation with increase in lattice depth. For the dipolar interaction, the many-body features become more distinct and true Mott state can appear even in a shallow lattice. Whereas, for incommensurate fraction of particles, incomplete localization happens that exhibits distinct features in the measure of two-body coherence.