
In the sdpf shell model, static and dynamic characteristics of certain neutron-rich nuclei are measured by using the SDPF interactions: Magnetic dipole moments (𝜇), occupation numbers (occ#) and magnetic electron scattering form factors for the ground state, they are presented for some Vanadium (23V) and Manganese (25Mn) isotopes using radial wave functions for the single-particle matrix elements of harmonic-oscillator potential (HO). These isotopes are 48V (4 1+), 49V (7/2- 3/2), 50V (6+ 2), 53Mn (7/2- 3/2), 54Mn (3+ 2) and 56Mn (3+ 3). The calculations introduced with model space (MS) and core-polarization CP effects are included through effective g factors. In model space and with core-polarization effects, the magnetic transition probability B(M1) is also calculated. The calculations of one-body density matrix OBDM together with the interaction SDPFK are carried out in the sdpf-model space using the OXBASH code. The theoretical results of the 𝜇 moments agree with recent experimental data.

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