IN the measurement of surface tension the ‘ring’ method has the great advantage of rapidity, so that variations are readily discovered; and in the hands of the author of this volume it has proved a most useful weapon of research. The book deals largely with the work of the author, but although its scope is therefore not so wide as the title might imply, it is full of interest to the biologist and the physicist. An ingenious method of deducing the three dimensions of the sodium oleate molecule (leading to a value for Avogadro's constant in remarkable agreement with that obtained in very different ways), the size of the albumin molecule and the differentiation of normal and immune serum are among the subjects dealt withi in tiis work, whici slhouldl prove singularly attractive even to those who are not specialists. Surface Equilibria of Biological and Organic Colloids. Dr. P. Lecomte du Noüy By. (American Chemical Society Monograph Series.) Pp. 212. (New York: The Chemical Catalog Co., Inc., 1926.) 4.50 dollars.
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