The study was on the analysis of the resource management ability by catfish farmers in Nigeria: A case of Ogbaru Local Government Area, Anambra State. The study focused on the five objectives which investigated the socioeconomic characteristics, costs and net returns, production function, determinants of the returns, resource use efficiency of the farmers, and the challenges facing fish farmers. Data for the study was collected from a cross-section of 240 randomly selected catfish farmers using a well-structured questionnaire and facial interview. The study was able to reveal that male (72.1%) farmers dominated the industry. The study recorded an average age, household size, level of education, farming experience, and output as 46 years, 11 people, 11 years, 13 years and 5.297 tons respectively. Fish farming was profitable with a net returns of 5,057.02 USD and returns on investment of 1.82 implying 1.82 USD returns upon every USD investment. The double-log was the lead functional form for the production functions, pond size (2.64)**, utilities (1.99)**, fingerlings (2.92)***, fertilizer (-1.97)**, and labour (-3.31)*** were the significant production factors. The ratio of Marginal Value Product (MVP) to Marginal Factor Cost (MFC) was less than one for all the resources used apart from fingerlings cost which was greater than one. The relationship between net returns and socioeconomic variables, semi-log was the lead equation and sex, farming experience, level of education, household size, and primary occupation were the significant variables. Furthermore, the study identified the following grey areas inherent in fish farming in the area to include; high cost of feed among others.
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