As educational institutions with a long history, universities have constantly faced new challenges. Recently, universities are once again facing a moment of change. They are experiencing unprecedented environmental changes, such as demographic changes, socio-economic changes brought on by the 4th Industrial Revolution, changes in the number of high school graduates, and changes due to the Corona virus pandemic. Amid such momentous changes in the environment, social demands for qualitative development in university education are increasing. With this in mind, the purpose of this study is to rethink the values of university education. In this study, the qualitative research method was used to analyze how the key stakeholders of university education view changes in certain values of university education amid rapid environmental transformations. The key stakeholders were grouped into four groups: professors, students and youth, corporate officials, and policy-related personnel, and semi-structured interviews were conducted for each group. The results of the interview were compared for each group: the current status and problems of university education and the changes in the values of university education according to environmental changes (‘constant values’, ’values to become less important’, and ‘values to become more important’). As a result of the study, the consensus of each group was the need for changes in university education tailored to the changes of students called as the Z generation, the need to change the operating method in order to take advantage of the university’s strengths, and a decrease in the value of credits and degrees themselves. Different perspectives were given according to the aforementioned groups regarding the influence of academic background or desirable policy directions for changes in university education. Based on these research results, we discussed what should be taught in universities and how to secure accountability and publicity without undermining the autonomy of the university.
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