Election ‘94 South Africa: The Campaigns, Results and Future Prospects edited by Andrew Reynolds (London: James Currey; Cape Town: David Philip; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994, pp.xvii+237, £9.95 pb). Ghana in Search of Stability, 1957–1992 by Youry Petchenkine (Westport, CN: Praeger, 1993, £44.95 hb). African Perspectives on Development: Controversies, Dilemmas and Openings edited by Ulf Himmelstrand, Kabiru Kinyanjui and Edward Mburugu (London: James Currey Ltd, 1994, pp.342, £35 hb, £12.95 pb). The Southern African Environment: Profiles of the SADC Countries edited by Sam Moyo, Phil O'Keefe and Michael Sill (London: Earthscan, 1993, pp.xiv+354, £35). Negotiating Structural Adjustment in Africa edited by Willem van der Geest (London: United Nations Development Programme in association with James Currey, 1994, pp.ix+230, £35 hb, £14.95 pb). Restructuring South Africa edited by John D. Brewer (New York: St. Martin's Press; Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1994, pp.154, £35). Alan Paton: A Biography by Peter F. Alexander (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, pp.xiv+500 and index, £25). An Anatomy of Public Policy Implementation. The Case of Decentralization Policies in Ghana by Joseph R.A. Ayee (Aldershot and Brookfield: Avebury, 1994, pp.xii+244, £37.50). Going for Gold: Men, Mines, and Migration by T. Dunbar Moodie with Vivienne Ndatshe (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994, pp.xi+337 = 348/10/b/w illustrations, 4 maps, 2 figures, $45 hb, $16 pb). Making War and Waging Peace: Foreign Intervention in Africa edited by David R. Smock (Washington: US Institute of Peace, 1993). Contemporary African Politics and Development: A Comprehensive Bibliography 1981–1990 edited by Vijitha Mahadevan (Boulder and London: Lynne Reinner, 1995, pp.1314, £128). Contesting Colonial Hegemony. State and Society in Africa and India edited by Dagmar Engels and Shula Marks (London and New York: The German Historical Institute and British Academic Press, 1994, pp.viii+349, £39.50 hb). S.J.V. Chelvanayakam and the Crisis of Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism, 1947–1977 by A. Jeyaratnam Wilson (London: C. Hurst & Co., 1994, pp.ix+149, £22.50). State Elections in India. Data Handbook on Vidhan Sabha Elections 1952–85, Volume 2: The West ‐Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Daman & Diu edited by V.B. Singh and Shankar Bose (New Delhi; Newbury Park, London: Sage Publications, 1987, £65). Development Policy of a Communist Government ‐ West Bengal since 1977 by Ross Mallick (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge South Asian Studies 54), 1993). Nehru to the Nineties: The Changing Office of Prime Minister in India edited by James Manor (London: Hurst & Co.: 1994, £12.95 pb, £37.50 hb). Communism in Punjab (A Study of the Movement up to 1967) by Gurharpal Singh (Delhi: Ajanta Publications, 1994, pp.355, price not indicated). The Fall of Hong Kong, China's Triumph and Britain's Betrayal by Mark Roberti (New York: John Wiley, 1994, pp.xvi+336, £16.95). Australia (2nd edn). World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 46 compiled by I. Kepars (Oxford: Clio Press Oxford, 1994, pp.xx+284, £42). Australia's First Fabians: Middle Class Radicals, Labour Activists and the Early Labour Movement by Race Mathews, with foreword by Gough Whitlam (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp.xii+284, £35). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Australia edited by Susan Bambrick (Cambridge, New York and Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp.ix+384, illus., £40). Transforming Labor: Labor Tradition and the Labor Decade in Australia by Peter Beilharz (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp.xv+245, £35). Democracy, Clientelism, and Civil Society edited by Luis Roniger and Ayse Günes‐Ayata (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994, pp.viii+223, $40 hb). Religion in Third World Politics by Jeff Haynes (Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1993, pp.166, £37.50 hb, £12.99 pb). Third World Politics: A Comparative Introduction by Paul Cammack, David Pool and William Tordoff (London: Macmillan, 1993, pp.xii+351, £11.99, pb).
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