Previous research has demonstrated that individual modal components of signals propagating in an acoustic waveguide can be isolated from a single hydrophone using non-linear time sampling (Bonnel et al., 2010) and that mode shape functions can be directly extracted from vertical array data in a laboratory setting (Bonnel et al., 2011). Here, we apply and extend the technique to experimental data collected in 2010 from a 15-element vertical array, covering only 63% of the 53 m water column off the continental slope of the Beaufort Sea, during the fall bowhead whale migration. We demonstrate how up to five distinct mode shapes can be extracted from frequency-modulated bowhead whale calls, along with the vertical array tilt and tilt direction, without resorting to assumptions about mode orthogonality across the array aperture. The extracted mode shapes can then be used to estimate whale call depth. Filtered modes (and mode cutoff information) can also be used to invert for whale call ranges and ocean bottom properties. [Work supported by the North Pacific Research Board and permitted by Shell Exploration and Production Company.]
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