
The acoustics effects of shallow-water, solitary, internal-wave packets (solitons) have been simulated using finite-element computer models (foam, fframe, and safe). The coupled effects of the total shallow-water waveguide with its range-dependent boundaries and penetrable, shear-supporting ocean-bottom properties were included in the simulations. Our previous numerical studies at 75 Hz (and lower) had shown recognizable, although extremely weak, backscatter from the solitons with the influence of shear waves being significant only in the forward propagation. If combined effects of backscatter and shear wave conversion are significant, it is likely at higher frequencies. Examples at higher frequencies (100–250 Hz) that investigate backscatter from solitons and its possible conversion into ocean-bottom shear waves will be presented. [Work supported by ONR/NRL and ONR Acoustic Reverberation SRP.]

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