Effects of forest fire on the regeneration potential of trees at Olokemeji Forest Reserve was established in this study. The Olokemeji fire experimental plot was selected at the reserve. The site was divided into three plots; late fire treatment was applied to Plot A, Early fire treatment was also applied to Plot B and no fire treatment at plot C (Control plot). The diameter at breast height (dbh) and tree height (m) of the tree species in the plots were assessed prior and post fire treatment. The regeneration potential of the selected plots after burning were assessed through the occurrence of saplings and seedlings obtained. The highest basal area (m2) were found in plot C followed by plot B and Plot C with mean value of 0.64, 0.55 and 0.30 m2 respectively. The number of stems per plot ranged from 25 to 67. The regeneration potentials of the three plots were found to be noteworthy. Early and late year fire regime adopted had both positive and negative effect on the regeneration potentials of tree species. This study has established the effect and relevance of fire on forest and wildlife management. It’s therefore recommended in this study that Prescribed or controlled burning should be encouraged as appropriate sivilcultural management tool for stimulating basal area growth, natural regeneration, production of tree species seedlings and saplings.
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