The article presents an analysis of the condition of children's healthcare in Molotov city during the Second World War. The authors pay attention to the significant difficulties in protecting the children's health (under one year old): a significant rise in the incidence of childhood infections, malnutrition, incomplete vaccination of children, and a weak level of preventive work. It is emphasized that among nursery and unorganized children respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases were mainly common during the war years: measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria. It is concluded that shortage of qualified medical staff, untimely and partial vaccinations, errors in diagnosis and other reasons have led to an increase in morbidity and mortality among children. In addition, the high incidence of infections with high mortality among children was also associated with the weak and unsatisfactory work of children's consultations on the early detection of diseases which hindered timely treatment.