The features of entrepreneurship functioning in Ukraine are investigated, the main problems of enterprises functioning are outlined in the article. It is noted that entrepreneurship is the driving force of the economy, since the efficiency of the enterprises operation directly affects economic development and some life of the population. The problems of domestic business development are presented, a number of measures were proposed that would create a favorable competitive environment for business development in Ukraine. It is stated that the development and expansion of small and medium-sized businesses is one of the priorities of the state economic policy in Ukraine. The main goals of Ukrainian economic policy are the achievement of economic growth, raising the standard of population living, full employment, course stability of the national currency, achievement of foreign economic equilibrium, etc. Achievement of these goals is primarily connected with the prospects of domestic business development. The main features of entrepreneurship are described as indicating that entrepreneurship not only creates a competitive environment, but also contributes to the efficient allocation of resources, the development of scientific and technological progress and changes in the management system. The analysis of statistical data on the number of business entities during 2010-2017 is carried out in parallel with the structural analysis by types of economic activity by individual industries. The general features that are inherent in the national economy are determined, the value of the relative change in the number of economic entities is regarded. It is indicated on the problem of small business development in Ukraine, with its much more effective raise in developed countries. It is also noted that the number of large enterprises in recent years has been decreasing, which is due to the general economic crisis and in connection with the military events in eastern Ukraine, where large enterprises were mainly engaged in their business activities. Focused attention to the problems that impede the development of domestic business entrepreneurship of the regulatory imperfection and legal regulation; unregulated lending to small and medium businesses; lack of financial support from the state; unequal conditions for the management of small and large enterprises; reduction of consumer demand, aggravation of problems in the banking sector has been done. The main tendencies of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine are outlined, among which one can distinguish: provision of state support to small and medium enterprises engaged in investment, innovation and scientific and technical activities; the number limitation of permit documents and simplification of the opening procedures of enterprises; improvement of tax, statistical reporting, reduction of tax pressure on the economy; ensuring a high level of innovation activity of domestic enterprises, reducing pressure from the controlling bodies, countering corruption and a number of other measures. In Ukraine, at the present stage, there are many problems hindering the development of domestic business, the solution of which will increase the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity, will ensure the expansion of the business sector and reduce the share of the shadow sector. In the study of the peculiarities of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine, it was discovered that entrepreneurial activity is multifaceted in its content; it mobilizes active people capable, makes them constantly search for new ways of combining available resources to produce higher quality products at lower costs, while trying to maximize their own profits – get higher profits. Key words: entrepreneurship, competitiveness, business entities, small enterprises, medium-sized enterprises, large enterprises.
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