
In the article it is noted that in the conditions of formation of market relations established in the state, it is urgent to activate the work of the existing industrial sector of the region. It is established that a great role in this process is given to regional executive authorities and local self-government, on which a number of problems depend. It is proved that the main driving force for the development of production and improvement of its efficiency in the modern civilized market system is fair competition. The questions of development of the industrial branch in the economy of the country, its formation, current state and tendencies of development are considered. The index of industrial production, the volume of industrial production, the number of economic entities and employed workers in industrial enterprises, the net profit (loss) of industrial enterprises, the share of enterprises that received profit and loss, the level of profitability of industrial enterprises, the amount of capital investments in the Ukrainian industry. The analysis of the current state of the industry of Ukraine shows that at present the stable activity of industrial enterprises is broken. It is established that over the last two years the volume of industrial production has decreased, which is caused by the destruction of production potential and transport infrastructure in the country's industry. The lion's share in the structure of industrial products sold in Ukraine during the analyzed period falls on the manufacturing industry. The decline in the number of enterprises was influenced by the deepening of the monopolization of markets due to their greater influence on them. Also, in the last five years, there has been a decrease in the share of profit-making enterprises in Ukraine. In addition, capital investments in the manufacturing industry have increased since 2016 compared to 2014 and 2015. The same situation is observed in the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning. According to the results of the research, the list of problems that exist in the industrial complex in Ukraine is presented and the main mechanisms of modernization of the industrial sector of economy are given, which will allow to improve the quality and modernize the process of production of industrial products and to increase the level of competitiveness.

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