Despite the large number of papers dealing with the description of proposed methods for bovine tuberculosis diagnosis and mechanisms of non-specific reaction development in diseased and healthy animals, various aspects require further study. Many specialists are still of the view, formulated when studying causes of pseudoallergic reactions, that the agents of actinomycosis, trematode infections etc. can cause sensitization of the animal body to tuberculin PPD for mammals. The possibility of sensitization of cattle body to Аctinomyces bovis tuberculin was studied in 240 animals identified as actinomycosis diseased among 3,473 tested animals. Only 11 (4.6%) of the total number of diseased animals were reactors to tuberculin PPD for mammals. During bacteriological tests of material from animals euthanized for diagnostic purposes (tuberculin reactors and nonreactors with a confirmed postmortem diagnosis of actinomycosis), acid-tolerant nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) cultures were isolated. The results of the experiment conducted in 628 cows of a dairy holding confirmed that Actinomyces bovis lacks tuberculin-associated allergenicity: actinomycosis was detected only in one of 96 (15.2%) tuberculin reactors. The conducted clinical tests with high significance level (Р < 0.005) showed that there is no association between allergic reaction to tuberculin PPD for mammals and actinomycosis infection. The obtained results are indicative of imperfections in differential diagnosis, and further studies in this field should significantly contribute to gaining a better insight into non-specific sensitization of cattle body to tuberculin.
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