
The article deals with the results of monitoring searches on the spread of cancer in dogs and conducted the analysis of incidence rates of animals depending on breed, gender and age. Research were performed during the 2016-2019 years on 2015 dogs, who came to the educational research clinics of the Department of Surgery and Diseases of Small Animals named after Stepan Gzhytskyj LNUVMB. Cancer patients sick dogs (n = 259) of diff erent breeds and genders, aged from 4 months to 16 years, were the subject of research. It was installed, that in the structure of surgical diseases of dogs the share of neoplasia averages 12.85% (10.2-14.9% by years of observation). Among neoplasms, breast neoplasia (35.1%) and skin tumors (29.8%) were most commonly reported, less frequently - tumor lesions of the organs of the reproductive system (13.9%), neoplasia of the internal organs (10.5%), neoplasms in the head and neck (6.6%). Neoplastic lesions of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues (2.3%) and tumors of bones and joints (1.9%) were characterized by sporadic cases. In 20% of dogs, there was a simultaneous tumor lesion of diff erent nosological forms; most often there are skin and breast tumors, less often skin and tumors in the head and neck. It was also installed, that among 259 dog cancer patients, 23.2% of the animals were outbred and 76.8% were purebred (with more than 40 breeds); males accounted for 48.2% and females for 51.8%. The highest incidence of neoplasia was found in animals between 7 and 12 years of age; the median incidence was 8.5 years, and fashion (the highest number of diseased animals) was 9.5 years. It is found out that the dynamic growth of oncological diseases during 2016-2019 occurred, for the most part, by increasing the number of animals with skin tumors and, to a lesser extent, internal organs. Skin tumors were characterized by a wide variety of nosological forms and were diagnosed in dogs of all ages, as well as diff erent breeds and genders. According to the results of histological verifi cation, 42 or 54.7% of animals had benign tumors of the skin and malignancies in 35 or 45.5% of cases. It was also installed, that benign tumors were mostly represented by papilloma (26.0%), less frequently - lipoma (13.0%), dermatofi broma (10.3%), trichoepithelioma (5.2%). Malignancies are distributed as follows: mastocytoma (18.2%), squamous cell carcinoma adenocarcinoma (2.6 %), spindle cell sarcoma (2.6%) fi brosarcoma (1.3%). Therefore, the reported prevalence of spontaneous neoplasia in dogs in our region certify that skin tumors are currently the most important and promising area for further research. Key words: dogs, neoplasms, spread, clinical classifi cation of tumors, skin neoplasia, histological type of tumors.


  • які надходили у навчальні науково-дослідні клініки кафедри хірургії і хвороб дрібних тварин ЛНУВМБ імені С.З. Ґжицького

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Представлено результати моніторингових досліджень щодо поширення онкологічних хвороб у собак, проведено аналіз частоти захворюваності тварин залежно від породи, статі та віку. Серед онкологічних захворювань найчастіше реєстрували неоплазії молочної залози (35,1 %) та пухлини шкіри (29,8 %), рідше – пухлинні ураження органів репродуктивної системи (13,9 %), неоплазії внутрішніх органів (10,5 %), новоутворення у ділянці голови та шиї (6,6 %). У 20 % собак встановлено симультантне ураження пухлинами різних нозологічних форм; найчастіше траплялися новоутворення шкіри та молочної залози, рідше – шкіри і пухлини у ділянці голови та шиї.

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