Short Range Correlations (SRC) are brief fluctuations of high relative momentum nucleon pairs. Properties of SRC have important consequences for nuclear physics, high energy physics, atomic physics, and astrophysics. SRC pairs form some of the densest states of cold matter achievable on Earth, making them an ideal system to study the partonic and nucleonic degrees of freedom in nuclear systems. Hard exclusive breakup reactions, where high-energy probes scatter on SRC pairs, are used to study such properties of SRC pairs as isospin decomposition, nuclear mass and asymmetry dependence, c.m. momentum distribution. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) plays a key role in the SRC program. CLAS (CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer), located in Hall B at JLab, has almost 4πcoverage and is capable of measuring exclusive reactions of the type A(e, e’pp). We will discuss the recent experimental results from JLab and future experiments planned at JLab as well as at JINR.
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