This paper concerns itself with the cross section σ( q, ω) for scattering of electrons through momentum transfer q and energy loss ω from heavy nuclei. This cross section is related to the four-dimensional Fourier transform of the nuclear time-dependent pair correlation function; this latter function gives a measure of the fluctuation of the charge density about its mean value. In an infinite medium there are regions of the q- ω plane where scattering is possible only if dynamical (in contrast to statistical) correlations are present. We present an argument which leads to the conclusion that even for finite nuclei there is still a fairly well defined boundary outside of which the scattering is due solely to correlations impressed on the ground state by the nuclear forces. Since one would only carry out such experiments on heavy nuclei, we also discuss the break down of the Born approximation and conclude that one may readily and quite reliably correct for this. A general discussion of some possible methods for computing the relevant correlation function is given. We also present a detailed calculation of the cross section σ( q, ω) for scattering from a gas of nucleons with hard core interactions. This calculation is expected to give the qualitative features of the cross section for real nuclei when the values of q and ω are properly chosen. Furthermore, it leads to estimates of the relative importance of various diagrams which should be useful in calculations with more realistic nuclear models.
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