This article describes the assessment of the suitability for operation of soviet reactors. The VVER-440 (10 units), VVER-1000 (16 units) and RBMK-1000 (15 units) are the main types of soviet NPP reactors. Reactor design lifetime is 30 years. Primary circuit main equipment and piping have accordingly the same lifetime. The problem of lifetime extension arises in the case of design lifetime expiration or in the case of deviations from the reactor nominal characteristics. At present, only two reactors have expired their design lifetime and are decommissioned (1 unit of Beloyarsc NPP and 1 unit of Novovoronezh NPP). Deviations from the reactor nominal characteristics may appear for different reasons. The majority of them are as follows: Level of equipment and pipeline manufacture and assembly technology which at present does not provide for an absolutely defect-free metal state; level of flaw detection monitoring method development considering that defect detection is an accidental, probabilistic process; deviations from nominal operation conditions which, as a rule, are of an accidental nature; design deficiencies related as a rule to in essential equipment components: Deviation in their operation leads to an essential equipment component operational condition change; highly conservative level of quality assessment standards of operational flawmore » detection control stages are practically the same. Defects due to structural deficiencies occur rather rarely, but in the case of such defect occurrence at one unit, the same defects are to be expected at the other ones.« less
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