This paper develops a novel analysis of èto copular constructions in Russian. First, we address ‘NOMpre èto NOMpost’ constructions, where NOM is a nominative noun phrase. We propose that there are two predication relations established in such clauses: one on the clausal level, with NOMpost being the subject of predication, and another one within the constituent headed by èto. The latter, we argue, constitutes a ‘big DP’: it contains NOMpre in the specifier position and pro in the complement position of D0; a predication relation is established between the two with the help of the predicativizer èto. The analysis is extended to account for ‘èto NOMpost’ constructions. The proposal goes against treating èto in ‘(NOMpre) èto NOMpost’ constructions as the subject of predication or as a dedicated functional head on the clausal spine; it also explicitly rejects treating NOMpre in all ‘(NOMpre) èto NOMpost’ constructions as a hanging topic. The proposed analysis captures all the relevant properties of èto constructions and makes important predictions about their distribution, the agreement pattern, and the properties of NOMpost. The ‘big DP’ approach also allows us to establish a link between èto copular constructions and specificational pseudo-clefts.
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