Insulin is a true internal secretion derived from the ductless glands (islands of Langerhans) of the pancreas. Like other glands of internal secretions, i. e., the thyroid, the suprarenals, the pituitary bodies, etc., the islet cells of the pancreas, because of various functional or pathological changes, may function excessively or deficiently. The part which the internal secretion of the pancreas (insulin) plays in carbohydrate metabolism is well known. When there is a deficiency of insulin with defective carbohydrate metabolism there accumulates in the blood an excess of sugar (hyperglycemia), a part of which is excreted by the kidneys (glycosuria). Tradition tells us that the ancients observed bees swarming around the “sweet” urine of patients who also had the syndrome of polyuria, thirst, hunger and emaciation, and they called the disease diabetes mellitus. If diabetes had been discovered since our present nosology of disease has been accepted it would be called hypoinsulinism, because that name ident...
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