For studying in a higher educational institution it is necessary to get used to living conditions in another country,it is a difficult stage of youth's life, especially under the conditions of distance learning. A student of the Faculty of Foreign citizens training, who has completely different traditions, customs, religions, has to adapt to the new rhythm of life, dynamics of education, way of life and work, their behavior,etc. Coexistence with friends, rivals, relatives, enemies, romantic partners, trying to meet the cultural norms of the country in which he/she studies, the performance of social roles provide the basis for frequent experience of stress. Factors of social nature that give rise to stress can be a sustainable part of cultural institutions and social roles and therefore act constantly (chronic stressors), and can be a consequence of single events in the social aspect. A large amount of new and specialized information, physical and psychological difficulties faced by a foreign student, lead to constant tension and a state of chronic stress. The modern educational system has changed so much over the past year that the student constantly needs to adapt to innovations, especially in conditions of distance learning, inability to clearly see and develop practical skills, which is very necessary for students of the School of Medicine. Unfortunately, stress is becoming an increasingly global problem especially among students and adversely affects their lives and health, quality of knowledge and skills. Students do not always have the opportunity to provide themselves with special layouts and dummies for studying, in particular, because of the stress of the educational process, students lose motivation to study and do not get pleasure from it, do not know how to apply skills in practice.
 Purpose: to study the presence of chronic social stress in students of the Foreign Citizens Training Faculty, which will be basic and necessary knowledge for employees of the dean's office of the Faculty of Foreign Citizens, because increasingly the administration of universities faces the question of the prevalence of mental health problems among foreign students; and identify factors influencing the success of medical students. The educational process under normal social conditions is a complex part of the overall process of educating a comprehensively developed individual. The article presents the results of an anonymous survey of 134 students of the 2-3 year of the Faculty of Foreign citizens' training department of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University on the reasons for unsatisfactory success in the study of practical disciplines. Respondents were asked to independently identify the reasons for inadequate assimilation of material in practical classes and lectures.
 Conclusions. The results of the questionnaire indicate the state of chronic tension of students, their state of social stress, due to not only new living conditions, but also frequent changes between periods of live communication during classes and distance learning conditions, exacerbations of chronic diseases, psychological problems in the group or/and family.
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