This article will deal mainly with the occurrence of uveal pigment, in the form of chromatophores in the lamina cribrosa, as a normal physiologic variation. The establishment of this fact will be considered a reason for anticipating in the disk any manifestations of pigment which are encountered in the uveal tract, and in this connection three cases of melanoma of the disk will be reported. Other forms of pigmentation will be discussed, including those arising from the pigmented epithelium, from hematogenous granules of pigment and from siderosis. Finally, several conditions simulating a pigmented disk will be mentioned. PIGMENTATION OF THE LAMINA CRIBROSA The external laminae, or laminae scleralis, are continuations of the scleral elements adjacent to the nerve, while the internal laminae, or laminae choroidalis, are continuations of the choroidal elements by way of the border tissue. These laminae usually contain no pigment cells, but in eyes in which
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