As is well known, hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), or vibration-induced white finger (VWF), which is a secondary form of Raynaud’s syndrome, is an industrial injury triggered by regular use of vibrating hand-held tools. According to the related biopsy tests, the main vibration-caused lesion is an increase in the thickness of the artery walls of the small arteries and arterioles resulted from enlarged vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the wall layer known as tunica media. The present work develops a mechanobiological picture for the cell enlargement. The work deals with acoustic variables in solid materials, i.e., the non-equilibrium components of mechanical variables in the materials in the case where these components are weakly non-equilibrium. The work derives an explicit expression for the infinite-time cell-volume relative enlargement. This enlargement is directly affected by the acoustic pressure in the soft living tissue (SLT). In order to reduce the enlargement, one can reduce either the ratio of the acoustic pressure in the SLT to the cell bulk modulus or the relaxation time induced by the cell osmosis, or both the characteristics. Also, a mechanoprotective role of the above relaxation time in the cell-volume maintenance is noted. The above mechanobiological picture focuses attention on the pressure in an SLT and, thus, modeling of propagation of acoustic waves caused by the acceleration of a vibrating hand-held tool. The present work analyzes the propagation along the thickness of an infinite planar layer of an SLT. The work considers acoustic modeling. As a general viscoelastic acoustic model, the work suggests linear non-stationary partial integro-differential equation (PIDE) for the weakly non-equilibrium component of the average normal stress (ANS) or, briefly, the acoustic ANS. The PIDE is, in the exponential approximation for the normalized stress-relaxation function (NSRF) reduced to the third-order linear non-stationary partial differential equation (PDE), which is of the Zener type. The unique advantage of the PIDE is that it presents a compact model for the acoustic ANS in an SLT, which explicitly includes the NSRF, thereby enabling a consistent description of the lossy-propagation effects inherent in SLTs. The one-spatial-coordinate version of this PDE in the planar SLT layer with the corresponding boundary conditions is considered. The relevance of these settings is motivated by a conclusion of other authors, which is based on the results of the frequency-domain simulation in three spatial coordinates. The boundary-value problem at arbitrary value of the stress-relaxation time (SRT) and arbitrary but sufficiently regular shape of the external acceleration is analytically solved by means of the Fourier method. The obtained solution is the steady-state acoustic ANS and allows calculation of the corresponding steady-state acoustic pressure as well. The derived analytical representations are computationally implemented. Propagation of the pressure waves in the SLT layer at zero and different nonzero values of the SRT, and the single-pulse external acceleration is presented. They complement the zero-SRT and zero-SRT-asymptote results with the results for various values of the SRT. The obtained pressure values are, at all of the space-time points under consideration, meeting the condition for the adequateness of the linear model. In the case where the SRT is zero, the results well agree with the ones obtained by using the simulation software package LS-DYNA. The dependence of the damping of acoustic variables in an SLT on the SRT in the present third-order case significantly generalizes the one in the second-order linear systems. The related resonance effect in the waves of the acoustic pressure propagating in an SLT is also discussed. The effects of the NSRF-originated memory function provided by the present third-order PDE model are necessary for proper simulation of the pressure, which is of special importance in the aforementioned mechanoboiological picture. The results obtained in the work present a viscoelastic acoustic framework for SLTs. These results open a way to quantitatively specific evaluation of technological strategies for reduction of the vibration-caused injuries or, loosely speaking, achieving “zero’’ injury.