I t has already been observed by many authors (1.3) that the partially conserved axial-current hypothesis (a), PCAC, and the current-field proportionality (a) lead to a vanishing ¢~p~ coupling in the effective-Lagrangian formalism (e). In order to eliminate this difficulty one has to introduce directly an (opT: coupling that violates PCAC. It is the scope of this work to discuss, in the framework of effective Lagrangiaus and the field-current proportionality (~), the transformation properties of this pseudoscalarvector-vector interaction under the chiral SU3Q SUn group. We consider the nonet of pseudosealar fields P and the nonet of dependent or independent scalar fields S to transform like the representations (3, g) and (3, 3) of SUaQ SUs. That is, the 3 × 3 matrix B = S + iP transforms like (3, $) and B + ~ S i P like (g, 3). The 8 vector mesons V# and their 8 ehiral partners At, transform like the representations (8, 1) and (1, 8) of SU3Q SUs. That is, the 3 × 3 traceless matrices /~+) = V#÷~¢# transform like (8, 1) and 2~ ' = V~--g~/# like (1, 8). The SUn scalar 1 transforms like the representation (1, 1) of SUaQ SUa. vector meson ¢% It is then at once evident that one cannot construct an SUsQSUsinvar ian t VVP or ~IVP coupling. Let us furthermore demonstrate that it is not possible to have an SUaQ SUsinvariant interaction of two vector, one pseudoscalar and one scalar meson when the vector mesons couple through their covariant curls in order to maintain the currentfield proportionality. That is, one cannot generate a vector-vector-pseudoscalar meson interaction through that four-meson interaction when the nonvanishing vacuum expectat ion value of the T = 0 scalar fields is considered.
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