Abstract We use a score-driven minimum mean-squared error (MSE) signal extraction method and perform inflation smoothing for China and the ASEAN-10 countries. Our focus on China and ASEAN-10 countries is motivated by the significant historical variation in inflation rates, e.g. during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the 2007–2008 Financial Crisis, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Some advantages of the score-driven signal extraction method are that it uses dynamic mean and volatility filters, it considers stationary or non-stationary mean dynamics, it is computationally fast, it is robust to extreme observations, it uses information-theoretically optimal updating mechanisms for both mean and volatility, it uses closed-form formulas for smoothed signals, and parameters are estimated by using the maximum likelihood (ML) method for which the asymptotic properties of estimates are known. In the empirical application, we present the political and economic conditions for each country and analyze the evolution and determinants of the core inflation rate.
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