AbstractIt is shown that existing methods for design of optimal regulators by the Wiener‐Hopf procedure must be modified in order to be applicable to unstable and/or nonminimum phase plant or disturbance transfer functions, such as are frequently encountered in the chemical industry. Solutions are developed for three cases: I. stable, but possibly nonminimum phase, plant and disturbance transfer functions; II. minimum phase, but possibly unstable, plant with no restrictions on the disturbance transfer functions; and III. prestabilized, with a proper modification to retain the original control effort inequality constraints, but possibly nonminimum phase plant and disturbance transfer functions. Case III gives the general solution for regulation of linear, time‐invariant, lumped‐parameter systems. When prestabilization is not necessary, it reduces to case I. Where applicable, solutions by the method of case II frequently involve less algebra than in case III.
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