R ECENTLY, it has been shown that structural health monitoring (SHM) systems can be used for inspection to detect damage [1]. SHM-based maintenance is effective as only those airplanes that are in danger will be sent for maintenance (condition-based maintenance). Furthermore, Coppe et al. [2] showed that in addition to damage diagnosis SHM can predict the remaining useful life by identifying damage growth parameters. They used Bayesian inference [3] to reduce uncertainty in the damage growth parameters using measured damage size information. Bayesian inference is a powerful method of quantifying uncertainty in the model parameters. It can take into account prior knowledge on the unknown parameters and improve them using experimental observations. However, in the case of SHM, the advantage of the prior information can be overpowered by the amount of data available. In addition, when many parameters are updated simultaneously, Bayesian inference becomes computationally expensive due to multidimensional integration. On the other hand, the traditional linear regression method [4] can be used to identify deterministic parameters when the model is a linear function of the parameters. This method is particularly powerful when many data are available, which is the case for SHM. By assuming that the noise in the experimental data is Gaussian, it is possible to estimate the uncertainty in the identified parameters. When the physical model is a nonlinear function of model parameters, uncertainty quantification is not straightforward [5]. As will be shown in the numerical examples, the crack growth in aircraft structures nonlinearly depends on the parameters that need to be identified. In this Note, a linear perturbation concept is used to quantify uncertainty in the nonlinear regression result. First, the nonlinear optimization is used to find the model parameters that minimize error between themodel and SHMdata. Then the nonlinear model is linearized at the identified parameter values, fromwhich the uncertainty quantification in the linear regression method can be used. This approach can introduce two errors into the uncertainty estimation: 1) linearization error and 2) error associated with assumption ofGaussian noise. In addition, it is assumed that noises at different experiments are uncorrelated. The objective of theNote is to examine their effect on accuracy of the uncertainty estimation. II. Uncertainty Quantification in Nonlinear Regression
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