We study existence and uniqueness of solutions to a nonlinear elliptic boundary value problem with a general, and possibly singular, lower order term, whose model is $$\begin{aligned} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \displaystyle -\Delta _p u = H(u)\mu &{}\quad \text {in}\ \Omega ,\\ u>0 &{}\quad \text {in}\ \Omega ,\\ u=0 &{}\quad \text {on}\ \partial \Omega . \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$Here \(\Omega \) is an open bounded subset of \({\mathbb {R}}^N\) (\(N\ge 2\)), \(\Delta _p u:= {\text {div}}(|\nabla u|^{p-2}\nabla u)\) (\(1<p<N\)) is the p-laplacian operator, \(\mu \) is a nonnegative bounded Radon measure on \(\Omega \) and H(s) is a continuous, positive and finite function outside the origin which grows at most as \(s^{-\gamma }\), with \(\gamma \ge 0\), near zero.
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