This research investigates numerically the potential failure of different framed structures after removal of a corner column. This study is directed towards the role of the joint above the removed column in terms of framed structures stability and internal forces redistribution utilizing linear static, nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic analysis procedures. First, the preliminary linear static analysis as a part of more detailed nonlinear static and dynamic analysis to model reinforced concrete frames is performed. For nonlinear numerical models, three different moment-rotation capacity curves are considered for the joint above the removed column. These curves are taken according to FEMA 356 regulation according to the reinforcement condition at the joint location to represent normal joint, anchorage deficient joint and shear deficient joint. In linear static models, the results confirmed that, the more moment the joint can resist at the removed column location, the less moment is generated at the beam’s other end. In nonlinear static analysis, the model with normal plastic hinge properties recorded a higher carrying capacity than the model with both shear and anchorage plastic hinges. Nonlinear dynamic analysis with less assumptions offer the more representative modeling for the considered case study which is obvious from its closer perdition of internal forces and deflection compared to the reference findings.
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