ABSTRACT The modern diesel engines equipped with an advanced fuel injection system up to ultrahigh injection pressure of 300 MPa are under development at present. The impact of injection pressure on fuel spray characteristics such as spray penetration and spray cone angle has been widely concerned in previous studies. However, it is still lack of the detailed investigation on the turbulent dispersion of small droplets produced by a high-pressure injector due to the limited capability of optical diagnostic techniques to simultaneously measure the two phases. Droplet dispersion due to turbulence plays a major role in high-velocity fuel spray mixing and combustion processes involving group evaporation of droplets. Thus, the effect of different injection pressures on droplet dispersion in nonevaporating diesel sprays was investigated using the Euler-Lagrange framework with large eddy simulation (LES) implemented in an open-source code OpenFOAM. Size-dependent instantaneous radial motion and dispersion characteristics of droplets dominated by large-scale turbulent structures within a polydisperse downstream spray were analyzed in detail. Results show that increasing injection pressure can modestly promote the radial dispersion of most droplets with diameter of 2 ~ 12 µm further downstream at the late stage of injection. This could be the result of the increasing interaction time of droplets with larger turbulent structures due to the increase of spray penetration with increasing injection pressure. However, increasing injection pressure has no significant impact on the strength of droplet-turbulence interaction in terms of slip velocity between droplet and gas phases and this could be quantitatively explained by the droplet Stokes number (St) estimated in this study. The most droplets with 0.1 < St < 10 tend to move and concentrate further radially outward, leading to droplet clustering. Thus, the effect of injection pressure on droplet-turbulence interaction is much less than its influence on droplet size for high-velocity fuel sprays, indicating that the ultrahigh injection pressure has much less important impact on the spatial inhomogeneity of droplet distribution than its influence on the evaporation rate of individual droplets.
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