The (S, s) model, originally introduced in the study of inventories (see Arrow et al. (1951), Scarf (1959)), has recently received renewed attention both in the durable consumption and in the investment and labour demand literatures. Caballero (1993), for instance, appeals to these type of models to explain the time series properties of durable expenditure and, in particular, the persistence or slow adjustment of such a variable. In this paper, I model the purchase behaviour of automobiles by U.S. households as an (S, s) rule. I estimate a flexible specification of such a rule using a large microeconomic data set and study some of the aggregate implications of this type of inertial behaviour. The paper is one of the first attempts at estimating directly the parameters of an (S, s) rule using micro data.' Because of this, some of the methodological issues concerning the specification and the estimation of (S, s) rules are relevant for many potential applications. Furthermore, the paper is one of the first to discuss and quantify the aggregate implications of an (S, s) rule estimated on micro data. In the presence of non-convex transaction costs, a full and consistent characterization of individual behaviour is very hard and typically requires strong restrictions. Grossman and Laroque (1991) prove that an (S, s) rule is optimal for a consumption and investment problem under very special circumstances. Some of their results were extended by Eberly (1991) and Beaulieu (1993a, b). Eberly (1991), in particular, has derived some closed-form solutions for durable consumption in the presence of transaction costs while Caballero and Engel (1994) construct a model of investment where an (S, s) rule is optimal. The main problem with these theoretical results is that it is only possible to show optimality of (S, s) rules under very stringent conditions. In particular, a necessary condition to derive them is that the optimization problem faced by an individual consumer can be reduced to a problem with a single state variable. Unfortunately, as pointed out by Bar-Ilan and Blinder (1992), even simple generalizations are extremely difficult to analyse
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