Research works on topics such as; Fairness in Agreement with European Values: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on AI Regulation or Decolonial AI Alignment: Openness, Viśesa -Dharma and Including Excluded Knowledges, generated the motivation to search for Artificial intelligence (AI) alignment with Turkish and Islamic Values. The driving force to this research work is the fact that all of the algorithmic decision-making systems include bias to some extend and the non-western world needs to construct its own value-based technological and sociological development models since there is not much belief left in the so-called international justice or the so-called democratic values. This research includes examination of brief information about the fundamentals of big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence. Importance of thick data and digital anthropology is emphasized. Misuse and abuse AI has been identified as one of the most important challenges. Vygotsky’s arguments on social learning, social construction of technology theory and worldview theory may provide some of the arguments to construct the idea of an AI approach may be developed in accordance with Turkish and Islamic values. Decolonial AI arguments and fairness in AI approaches have also been utilized to empower our argument. Lastly, brief information on Turkish and Islamic values were presented, limited to the scope of this research.
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