We discuss the dynamics of the glass-forming liquids glycerol, propylene carbonate, andbenzophenone, as revealed in their dielectric behaviour and in depolarized light scattering(DLS) data. Above the melting point, the liquids exhibit two-step stretched relaxationbehaviour typical of ‘glassy dynamics’ at all attainable temperatures . There is no sign of a transition to exponential relaxation; rather, the stretching depends onlyweakly on the temperature. The spectral change, in first approximation, amounts to shifting theα-relaxation peak with the temperature. This behaviour is in contrast with thetemperature-dependent spectral shapes observed in the low-temperature state close toTg. Analysing corresponding dielectric spectroscopic (DS) data for comparisons, similartendencies are observed, except that the stretching parameters are different. Belowa certain temperature in glycerol, the tail of the excess wing, which is clearlypronounced in the DS data, appears also in the DLS spectra, with the same ratio ofthe wing exponents in DLS versus DS as of the stretching exponents at higherT. In propylene carbonate, the presence of a wing in the DLS data is not immediatelyobvious. However, its low-temperature DLS spectra are fully compatible with an empiricalmodel for the temperature-dependent spectral shape that adequately describes theDS data of both materials and includes the wing. We were however unable toreconcile the DLS results of glycerol with this model. This, together with thepronounced difference in DLS and DS spectral widths of glycerol, cast doubtsover the general validity of universal scaling procedures for different techniques.