Recently, increasing numbers of young homosexual men with a fulminant form of Kaposi's sarcoma have been described.<sup>1,2</sup>We report herein a case of a young homosexual man with Kaposi's sarcoma, chronic perianal and nasolabial ulcerating herpes simplex infection, oral candidiasis, and immunodeficiency, presumably acquired. <h3>Report of a Case</h3> In December 1980, a 22-year-old Hispanic homosexual man residing in New York City was hospitalized for a six-month history of weight loss and fever. Physical examination disclosed a man with cachexia, oral mucosal white pseudomembranous plaques, generalized adenopathy, and splenomegaly. Physical examination findings were otherwise normal. Laboratory studies disclosed the following values: WBCs, 3,200/cu mm; hemoglobin, 10g/dL; ESR, 109 mm/hr; hepatitis B antigen test, negative; and hepatitis B antibody test, positive. Pharyngeal culture for yeasts showed the presence of<i>Candida albicans</i>. Chest x-ray films showed a nonspecific infiltrate in the right upper lobe. However,<i>Pneumocystis carinii</i>was not detected in the
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