A single layer and compact dual band antenna is presented for the Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX applications. A shorted quarter-wave patch is used to reduce the size. Further, a slot is cut in the non-radiating edge to create additional resonance. The impedance matching at this second resonance is enhanced by cutting a slot in the radiating edge. An equivalent circuit is suggested to explain the behavior of the proposed dual-band antenna. It is confirmed from the numerical calculation that the resonance frequency depends on the lengths l3 and l9 of the structure. The derived formulas provide the value of lengths l3 and l9 according to the user's desired frequency. The dimensions of the antenna are optimized using a commercial full-wave simulator. The concept is verified through measurements. The final design exhibits resonances at 2.44 and 3.33 GHz with a gain of 3.1 and 5.3 dBi, respectively. The cross-pol radiation levels are below 20 dB along the broadside direction.
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