The stochastic variational method has proven to be a very efficient and accurate tool to calculate especially bound states of quantum-mechanical few-body systems. It relies on the Rayleigh-Ritz variational principle for minimizing real eigenenergies of Hermitian Hamiltonians. From molecular to atomic, nuclear, and particle physics there is actually a great demand of describing also resonant states to a high degree of reliance. This is especially true with regard to hadron resonances, which have to be treated in a relativistic framework. So far standard methods of dealing with quantum chromodynamics have not yet succeeded in describing hadron resonances in a realistic manner. Resonant states can be handled by non-Hermitian quantum Hamiltonians. These states correspond to poles in the lower half of the unphysical sheet of the complex energy plane and are therefore intimately connected with complex eigenvalues. Consequently the Rayleigh-Ritz variational principle cannot be employed in the usual manner. We have studied alternative selection principles for the choice of test functions to treat resonances along the stochastic variational method. We have found that a stationarity principle for the complex energy eigenvalues provides a viable method for selecting test functions for resonant states in a constructive manner. We discuss several variants thereof and exemplify their practical efficiencies.
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