This work continues the investigation in two recent papers on the quantum thermodynamics of spacetimes, (1) placing what was studied in [] for thermal quantum fields in the context of early universe cosmology, and (2) extending the considerations of vacuum compressibility of dynamical spaces treated in [] to dynamical spacetimes with thermal quantum fields. We begin with a warning that thermal equilibrium condition is not guaranteed to exist or maintained in a dynamical setting and thus finite temperature quantum field theory in cosmological spacetimes needs more careful considerations than what is often described in textbooks. A full description requires nonequilibrium quantum field theory in dynamical spacetimes using “in-in” techniques. A more manageable subclass of dynamics is where thermal equilibrium conditions are established at both the beginning and the end of evolution, where the in-thermal state and the out-thermal state are both well defined. Particle creation in the full history can then be calculated in this in-out asymptotically-stationary setup via the S-matrix transition amplitudes. Here we shall assume an in-vacuum state. It has been shown that if the intervening dynamics has an initial period of exponential expansion, such as in inflationary cosmology, particles created from the parametric amplification of the vacuum fluctuations in the initial vacuum will have a thermal spectrum measured at the out-state. Under these conditions finite temperature field theory can be applied to calculate the quantum thermodynamic quantities. Here we consider a massive conformal scalar field in a closed four-dimensional Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker universe based on the simple analytically solvable Bernard-Duncan model. We calculate the energy density of particles created from an in-vacuum and derive the partition function. From the free energy we then derive the heat capacity and the quantum compressibility of these spacetimes with thermal particle creation. We end with some discussions and suggestions for further work in this program of studies. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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