When using perfusion only modified PIOPED II criteria for PE detection, generated non-diagnostic scans are found to be the main diagnostic restriction. The objective of current study is to identify the role of Wells criteria added to inconclusive readings with the intent of enhancing the lung scintigraphy diagnostic yield. CTPA was performed in 34 suspected PE patients with inconclusive lung scintigraphy. They also were evaluated by Wells score and classified as low, intermediate and high probability. Overall prevalence and the rate of PE for each probability were calculated. Furthermore, NPV for scores < 2 and PPV for scores > 6 were computed. Having a mean age of 59.75 ± 17.38years, 7 (20.6%), 23 (67.6%) and 4 (11.8%) of cases had total criteria point count < 2, 2-6 and > 6, respectively. Using CTPA, 5 patients (14.7%) were diagnosed with PE. None of the patients with scores < 2 had PE with an associated NVP of 100%. Patients with scores 2-6 had a PE rate of 4.3% and 100% of patients with scores > 6 were diagnosed with PE, implying that the PPV of scores > 6 was 100%. Adding Wells score to non-diagnostic scans allowed identification of PE to be done reliably, and provided further insight into how lung scintigraphy in conjunction with clinical assessment is a practical strategy not only for the patients unfit for performing CTPA but also in all the patients referred for PE evaluation.