Although interactions of plants with virulent and avirulent host pathogens are under intensive study, relatively little is known about plant interactions with non-adapted pathogens and the molecular events underlying non-host resistance. Here we show that two Pseudomonas syringae strains for which Arabidopsis is a non-host plant, P. syringae pathovar (pv.) glycinea (Psg) and P. syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psp),induce salicylic acid (SA) accumulation and pathogenesis-related gene expression at inoculation sites, and that induction of these defences is largely dependent on bacterial type III secretion. The defence signalling components activated by non-adapted bacteria resemble those initiated by host pathogens, including SA, non-expressor of PR-1, non-race specific disease resistance 1, phytoalexin-deficient 4 and enhanced disease susceptibility 1. However, some differences in individual defence pathways induced by Psg and Psp exist, suggesting that for each strain, distinct sets of type III effectors are recognized by the plant. Although induction of SA-related defences occurs, it does not directly contribute to bacterial non-host resistance, because Arabidopsis mutants compromised in SA signalling and other classical defence pathways do not permit enhanced survival of Psg or Psp in leaves. The finding that numbers of non-adapted bacteria in leaf extracellular spaces rapidly decline after inoculation suggests that they fail to overcome toxic or structural defence barriers preceding SA-related responses. Consistent with this hypothesis, rapid, type III secretion system-independent upregulation of the lignin biosynthesis genes, PAL1 and BCB, which might contribute to an early induced, cell wall-based defence mechanism, occurs in response to non-adapted bacteria. Moreover, knockout of PAL1 permits increased leaf survival of non-host bacteria. In addition, different survival rates of non-adapted bacteria in leaves from Arabidopsis accessions and mutants with distinct glucosinolate composition or hydrolysis exist. Possible roles for early inducible, cell wall-based defences and the glucosinolate/myrosinase system in bacterial non-host resistance are discussed.
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