We study the internal structure of a non-Abelian vortex in color superconductivity with respect to quark degrees of freedom. Stable non-Abelian vortices appear in the Color-FlavorLocked phase whose symmetry SU(3)C+L+R is further broken to SU(2)C+L+R ⊗ U(1)C+L+R in the vortex cores. Fermionic description of vortices is made possible by the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (B-dG) equation. Quark spectra in the vortex are obtained from the B-dG equation by treating the diquark gap having the vortex configuration as a background field. We find that there are massless modes (zero modes) well-localized around a vortex, in the triplet and singlet states of the unbroken symmetry SU(2)C+L+R. §1. Vortices in superconductors have internal structure At various scales in nature, there appear vortices, for instance, Cosmic strings in space, typhoons on Earth, water flow in a sink, and quantized vortices in superconductors and liquid Helium. The vortices that we discuss here appear at the shortest scales, the scale of strong interaction, in particular in the color-flavor locked (CFL) phase of color superconductivity in high density quark matter. All the vortices are essentially two-dimensional objects and are characterized by non-zero winding numbers of order parameters or velocity fields. However, vortices in superconductors are unique because they have non-trivial internal structure originating from their microscopic degrees of freedom. Although theoretical framework of this problem was established long time ago in the context of inhomogeneous superconductors, 1) it has been attracting people’s attention with renewed interests. One of the recent developments is the possibilities of “unconventional” superconductors where the order parameters have non-trivial symmetries. 2) It is argued that one can determine the symmetry-breaking pattern of the order parameters by looking at the vortex internal structure. In some cases called “topological” superconductors, there exists a zero-energy fermionic mode (“Majorana fermions”). On the other hand, we know several examples where massless modes are present around defects or nontrivial configuration. For instance, domain-wall fermions used in lattice QCD, fermion zero modes of the Dirac operator in the presence of instantons, and the edge modes in quantum Hall effects. Hence, it is quite a natural interest to investigate the internal structure of vortices. We have a novel type of vortices with non-Abelian symmetry, which is realized in the CFL phase of high-density quark matter. Thus, we study the internal structure of such non-Abelian vortices. 3)