The MEMENTO (MEtallic Melt Evolution in Next-step TOkamaks) code is a new numerical implementation of the physics model originally developed for the MEMOS-U code with the objective to self-consistently describe the generation of melt and its subsequent large scale dynamics in fusion devices and to assess the damage of metallic reactor armor under powerful normal and off-normal plasma events. The model has been validated in multiple dedicated EUROfusion experiments. MEMENTO solves the heat and phase transfer problem coupled with the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in the shallow water approximation for the thin liquid film over the solid metal and with the current propagation equations on a domain that features a time-evolving deforming metal-plasma interface. The code utilizes non-uniform and adaptive meshing along with sub-cycling in time facilitated by the AMReX open-source framework as well as AMReX’s built-in parallelization capabilities.
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