A non-destructive method for determining the amount of actinoids has been developed. The method is based on thermal neutron coincidence counting and employs a selective detection of neutrons resulting from the spontaneous fission of actinoids. The detection system is described in detail and the measurement results of ='*4Cm as an example are presented. The results show that the measured fission rate of 244 Cm is consistent with the fission rate calculated from ENDF/B-V data and that the amount of **'Cm can be determined within about 5% accuracy even in the p~esence of a large amount of actinoids, for example, up to 2.6 �9 10 6, 3.6 �9 10 4, or 1.6 �9 l0 s times in the mass ratio of sSgPu, 2, ~ Am, or s 4 o Pu to ~ * 4 Cm, respectively.
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