
The multiplication of 14 MeV neutrons by Be, which is used as a neutron multiplier in the design of fusion reactor blankets, is of topical interest as T-breeding depends on this. Earlier investigations have shown that the experimental multiplication of 14 MeV neutrons in Be and BeO is 20–25% lower than the calculated values. Recently, a different method has been proposed to measure the leakage multiplication based on a statistical correlation technique. This note explores the applicability of such a technique to determine experimentally the leakage multiplication of Am-Be source neutrons of average energy 4.5 MeV in a BeO assembly. The experimental method uses a high-level neutron coincidence counter (HLNCC) equipped with a shift-register coincidence logic unit. The deduced value of neutron leakage multiplication for 5 and 10 cm thick BeO in near rectangular geometry is 1.12 ± 0.03 and 1.15 ± 0.03, respectively.

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