ABSTRACT To seamlessly provide content through the Internet, it is gener ally considered to use distributed processing for content reque sts converged on original content providers like P2P, CDN, and ICN. That is, after other nodes temporally save content, they handl e content requests instead of original content providers. However, in this case, it may be possible that a content sender is dif ferent from the original provider of the content. In this case, users may be exposed to various risks. To solve such a problem, it is highly recommended to verify received contents before using the m, but it can cause network traffic increases as well as a seri ous service delay. This paper proposes an efficient content verific ation scheme for distributed networking/data store environments and analyzes its performance. Keywords: Futur Internet, NDN, Web Caching, Content Verification, MHT I.서 론 * 초기 인터넷의 주된 목적은 원격 호스트들 간의 안전한 연결을 제공하는 것이었기 때문에, 현재와 같 접수일(2015년 5월 30일), 게재확정일(2015년 6월 22일)*본 연구는 한국연구재단 연구과제(NRF-2013R1A1A 2008389) 지원으로 수행하였습니다.†주저자, daeyoub69@suwon.ac.kr‡교신저자, daeyoub69@suwon.ac.kr(Corresponding author)