Objective – to determine the peculiarities of the sources of the bookmark and thechronological sequence of topographical and anatomical transformations of the organsand structures of the urinary system of humans and domestic pigs.Materials and methods. The study was performed on 14 series of consecutive histologicalsections of preparations of human embryos and pre-fetuses aged from 4 to 11 weeks ofintrauterine development (UTD) and 8 series of histological sections of preparations ofembryos and pre-fetuses of domestic pigs. For a comparative analysis of the developmentof humans and domestic pigs in UTD, Carnegie stages of prenatal development (CS)were used to periodize embryogenesis. A complex of modern methods of morphologicalresearch (anthropometry, morphometry, microscopy, three- dimensional computerreconstruction, statistical analysis) was used.Results. Skeletotopically, the mesonephros in pig embryos was located between T1and S2 at stages from CS13 to CS16. During the CS19 stage, the cranial border of themesonephros was detected at the level of T2, with further stages continuing to migratefrom CS21 to T7 and from CS23 to L3. The caudal border of the porcine mesonephrosextended to S3 during stages CS19-CS23. When comparing the early stage of human and pig mesonephros development, it wasestablished that at the CS13 stage, the cranial border of the mesonephros was locatedat the T1/T2 level. During further development, the cranial boundary shifted to L4/L5 inhuman embryos, whereas in pig embryos these changes began at CS19, i. e. six stageslater. It was found that the caudal border of the mesonephros in human and pig embryoswas located at S1-S3 throughout development. Thus, human and pig mesonephros hadsimilar, constant caudal borders.During the differential growth of the mesonephros, the mesonephric duct graduallychanged its position from dorsolateral to ventrolateral relative to the mesonephrosin humans at CS16-CS18 stages, and to ventromedial position in pig embryos duringCS16-CS19 stages. These changes in the position of the mesonephric duct indicate thatthe growth process of the mesonephros occurs more intensively in the dorsal part.Conclusions. The use of systematized data on the intrauterine development of pigsallows to optimize the study of normal and pathological development of organs of thegenitourinary system of pigs, which is promising for modeling diseases in humans.
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