A gradient of director through the thickness of a nematic glass cantilever gives a gradient in the large distortions such materials suffer in response to temperature or illumination changes. We first sketch, within isotropic elasticity, how such gradients cause these cantilevers to respond by bending. We then derive the response within the anisotropic elasticity expected for uniaxial solids. Because, in general, spontaneously bending cantilevers have regions of elongation and contraction (with respect to their neutral state), internal stresses are generated, the magnitude of which depends on the anisotropic, fourth rank modulus tensor and in particular on its local alignment arising from the director's spatial distribution. We show that despite elastic complexity, bend is simply linear in the anisotropy of thermo-optical response, with a slope depending on the structure of the modulus tensor, justifying the previous literature on spontaneously bending cantilevers. We also explicitly consider two important director distributions--splay-bend and twist. Splay-bend cantilevers have no anticlastic (double-bend, saddle) response in the isotropic case or for some values of the anisotropic modulus tensor. Twist cantilevers have maximal anticlasticity in the isotropic case which we show to be weakly modified by anisotropy of elastic moduli.
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