Many classical problems of Mechanics can be studied regarding them as perturbations of integrable systems; this is the case of the fast rotations of the rigid body in an arbitrary potential, the restricted three body problem with small values of the mass-ratio, and others. However, the application of the classical results of Hamiltonian Perturbation Theory to these systems encounters difficulties due to the presence of the so-called ‘degeneracy’. More precisely, the Hamiltonian of a quasi-integrable degenerate system looks likewhere (I, φ) є U × Tn, U ⊆ Rn, are action-angle type coordinates, while the degeneracy of the system manifests itself with the presence of the ‘degenerate’ variables (p, q) є B ⊆ R2m. The KAM theorem has been applied under quite general assumptions to degenerate Hamiltonians (Arnold, 1963), while the Nekhoroshev theorem (Nekhoroshev, 1977) provides, if h is convex, the following bounds: there exist positive ε0, a0, t0 such that if ε < ε0 then if where Te is the escape time of the solution from the domain of (1). An escape is possible because the motion of the degenerate variables can be bounded in principle only by , and so over the time they can experience large variations. Therefore, there is the problem of individuating which assumptions on the perturbation and on the initial data allow to control the motion of the degenerate variables over long times.
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