Background: The influence of shared genetic vulnerability is well-known in the development of alcohol use disorder. However, there is a dearth of studies on shared environments. Hence, the present study aimed to ascertain the influence of shared environments in the development of alcohol use disorder. Aim: To examine the influence of adverse childhood experiences, parental bonding, and temperament in the development of alcohol use disorder. Methods: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines were followed. Studies were identified through search engines such as PubMed, Embase, and PsychInfo, CINAHL databases. Peer-reviewed articles in English published during 2000 - 2021 were included for the review. Results: About 47 articles were considered for the scoping review. Shared environmental factors such as adverse childhood experiences or childhood trauma within 18 years of life, novelty, adventureseeking, cyclothymia, and immediate need for gratification contribute to alcohol use disorder development. Positive parenting is associated with a lower incidence of AUD. Conclusion: Understanding the influence of shared environments and providing tailor-made psycho-social interventions would reduce the risk and prevent alcohol use disorder development.. Keywords: Temperament, parental bonding, adverse childhood consequences. How to cite: Ara, S.,Qowser. R.,Ramzan. U.,Yaseen.S.(2021): Knowledge and Attitude Towards COVID-19 among Paramedic and Nursing Students, Srinagar. Journal of Psychosocial Wellbeing, 2(2):71-75. Quick Response Code This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. Website : Access this Article online DOI: Abstract Background: A corona virus pandemic has reached all over the world. It is a highly contagious virus spreading from human to human by respiratory droplet infection and close contact. Applying preventive measures is very important in tackling the spread of the disease since there is no curative antiviral drug. The pandemic of the virus has impacted different institutions including the university. Aim: To assess Knowledge and attitude of professional students who are trained in Nursing and Paramedic College, Srinagar. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 140 selected participants through convenient sampling. A self structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from May 2020 to June 2020. Data was analyzed by using SPSS16. Results and conclusion:In this study, 77(55%) of the students had Good knowledge and 45% had Poor knowledge score about the Covid-19 and 54% of the students had Negative attitude and 45% had positive attitude respectively. majority of students were belonging to age group of 20-22 (76.4), maximum were females109 (77.9%), mostly had rural domicile 100 (70.9). It was found that maximum subjects in this study were GNM (38.6%), nursing (35.7%), and paramedics were (25.7%) Most of the subjects were found muslims124 (88.6%) followed by others 9(6.4%) and Hindu 7(5.0%). In this survey all of the students had heard about the Covid-19, with the majority 82(58.6%) gained information from all sources followed by mass media (26.4%), person 15(10.7%) and Books 6(4.3%). The Knowledge and attitude of the students towards the Covid-19 was good. Being a health sciences student was an explanatory variable for better knowledge significant with educational status. Awareness creation on preventive behaviors among the students is highly recommended among other students. .
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