I derive constraints on the Dirac spectrum in the chirally symmetric phase of a gauge theory with two massless fermion flavors. Using only general properties of correlation functions of scalar and pseudoscalar bilinears, I prove that in the chiral limit of vanishing fermion mass m the corresponding susceptibilities and all their derivatives with respect to m2 must be finite. I then use the resulting spectral constraints to show that effective breaking of the anomalous U(1)A symmetry is allowed in the SU(2)A symmetric phase in the chiral limit, and leads to distinctive spectral features: (i) the spectral density must develop a singular O(m4)/λ peak as m→0, (ii) the two-point eigenvalue correlator of near-zero modes must be singular, and (iii) near-zero modes cannot be localized. Moreover, in the symmetric phase the topological charge distribution must be indistinguishable from that of an ideal gas of instantons and anti-instantons of vanishing density, to leading order in m. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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