AbstractThe ≈ 40 000 km2 Hungarian Great Plain portion of the Pannonian Basin consists of a basin fill of 100 m to more than 7000 m thick semi‐ to unconsolidated marine, deltaic, lacustrine and fluviatile clastic sediments of Neogene age, resting on a strongly tectonized Pre‐Neogene basement of horst‐and‐graben topography of a relief in excess of 5000 m. The basement is built of a great variety of brittle rocks, including flysch, carbonates and metamorphics. The relatively continuous Endrőd Aquitard, with a permeability of less than 1 md (10−15 m2) and a depth varying between 500 and 5000 m, divides the basin's rock framework into upper and lower sequences of highly permeable rock units, whose permeabilities range from a few tens to several thousands of millidarcy. Subsurface fluid potential and flow fields were inferred from 16 192 water level and pore pressure measurements using three methods of representation: pressure–elevation profiles; hydraulic head maps; and hydraulic cross‐sections.Pressure–elevation profiles were constructed for eight areas. Typically, they start from the surface with a straight‐line segment of a hydrostatic gradient (γst = 9.8067 MPa km−1) and extend to depths of 1400–2500 m. At high surface elevations, the gradient is slightly smaller than hydrostatic, while at low elevations it is slightly greater. At greater depths, both the pressures and their vertical gradients are uniformly superhydrostatic. The transition to the overpressured depths may be gradual, with a gradient of γdyn = 10–15 MPa km−1 over a vertical distance of 400–1000 m, or abrupt, with a pressure jump of up to 10 MPa km−1 over less than 100 m and a gradient of γdyn > 20 MPa km−1.According to the hydraulic head maps for 13 100–500 m thick horizontal slices of the rock framework, the fluid potential in the near‐surface domains declines with depth beneath positive topographic features, but it increases beneath depressions. The approximate boundary between these hydraulically contrasting regions is the 100 m elevation contour line in the Duna–Tisza interfluve, and the 100–110 m contours in the Nyírség uplands. Below depths of ≈ 600 m, islets of superhydrostatic heads develop which grow in number, areal extent and height as the depth increases; hydraulic heads may exceed 3000 m locally. A hydraulic head ‘escarpment’ appears gradually in the elevation range of − 1000 to − 2800 m along an arcuate line which tracks a major regional fault zone striking NE–SW: heads drop stepwise by several hundred metres, at places 2000 m, from its north and west sides to the south and east. The escarpment forms a ‘fluid potential bank’ between a ‘fluid potential highland’ (500–2500 m) to the north and west, and a ‘fluid potential basin’ (100–500 m) to the south and east. A ‘potential island’ rises 1000 m high above this basin further south.According to four vertical hydraulic sections, groundwater flow is controlled by the topography in the upper 200–1700 m of the basin; the driving force is orientated downwards beneath the highlands and upwards beneath the lowlands. However, it is directed uniformly upwards at greater depths. The transition between the two regimes may be gradual or abrupt, as indicated by wide or dense spacing of the hydraulic head contours, respectively. Pressure ‘plumes’ or ‘ridges’ may protrude to shallow depths along faults originating in the basement. The basement horsts appear to be overpressured relative to the intervening grabens.The principal thesis of this paper is that the two main driving forces of fluid flow in the basin are gravitation, due to elevation differences of the topographic relief, and tectonic compression. The flow field is unconfined in the gravitational regime, whereas it is confined in the compressional regime. The nature and geometry of the fluid potential field between the two regimes are controlled by the sedimentary and structural features of the rock units in that domain, characterized by highly permeable and localized sedimentary windows, conductive faults and fracture zones. The transition between the two potential fields can be gradual or abrupt in the vertical, and island‐like or ridge‐like in plan view. The depth of the boundary zone can vary between 400 and 2000 m. Recharge to the gravitational regime is inferred to occur from infiltrating precipitation water, whereas that to the confined regime is from pore volume reduction due to the basement's tectonic compression.
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